Saturday 1 February 2014

Spelling mistake of the day

From a headteacher in the comments section of The Guardian, defending her right to suspend kids who don't eat what she wants them to...

"We are their [sic] to educate families, not just children"

These nine words sum up the teaching profession in so many ways.


Unknown said...

Fortunately sheze a head so dont teach you're kids

Dazzler said...

Should read " we are there to dictate to families, not just children"

Furor Teutonicus said...

Sins wen were dey der to edjucate famulys any ways?

You just keep "educating" the bastards sweetie, we NEED shelf fillers! You would appear to be a perfect mentor.

nisakiman said...

Yes, that short sentence says it all.

I remember a time when headteachers were well educated. It's really quite alarming that today's children are being indoctrinated (I was going to write 'educated', but thought better of it) by people like that.

Dick Puddlecote said...

The whole comment is a mess (not to mention extremely scary). Doesn't she tell kids to read through their work to check for mistakes before submitting?

Ivan D said...

My kids spent there entire secondary education at a school run by a politically correct Head who ticked all the LEA boxes but was useless. She was despised by the kids, lacked any real authority and took the school from over achieving to failing during her tenure. The parents and children sussed her inside 3 months, many of the better teachers left but both the LEA and Offsted backed her. It took over 7 years for this useless but very politically savvy creature to be sacked. The damage done in that time period is incalculable but it could have gone on longer because had there been points to have been scored for excluding people for lunch crime, I am sure that this Head would have scored them. I feel strongly about the damage that this person did to my kids but even more strongly about the system that encourages people like her and allows them to thrive.

JohnB said...

An insight into the antismoker mentality and its exaggerated, hysterical, highly inflammatory language that produces claims such as “…..because people like you [smokers] are so blinkered as to the effect your behaviour has on others.”

I for one, as a smoker, was incredibly blinkered. I had no idea the effect my behavior was having on others. It seems I missed it all. In years past, there was – apparently – a constant stream of nonsmokers in distress about me; some with blood streaming from their smoke-affected eyes, others semi-conscious, and still others collapsed on the ground, clutching at their throats, gasping for air. In restaurants, there was – apparently - a steady stream of nonsmokers sending their meals back to the kitchen, either unable to see the plate in front of them due to the thick tobacco smoke that had engulfed them and/or unable to savor food due to smoke-affected taste-buds. This was – apparently – going on about me all the time. I missed it all for decades and decades. One would have thought that I would have tripped over a fallen body here and there that might have aroused my suspicion. But I must have been “lucky”, getting through it all upright. There were – apparently – scores of nonsmokers that would leave venues screaming hysterically, tobacco smoke wafting from their hair, clothes and skin, attempting to locate the nearest dry-cleaner/shower to remove the “magical mist” lest their quality of life be utterly destroyed. I had no idea.

Apparently, children have been the great victims. I never noticed while smoking in a car with children passengers that the little folk had become paralyzed; I never noticed that they had turned blue from the toxic cloud of tobacco smoke that had somehow settled, defying the laws of physics, specifically around their heads….. well, that’s if their faces were visible at all through the static wall of smoke. Apparently, if I had only looked more carefully I would have noticed the long queue at hospital emergency wards of selfish smoking parents presenting their limp-bodied children – straight from the car to gurney - for intensive care….. a consequence of smoking in the car with the little tykes present: “Doctor, I smoked in the car. Please help my child”. I must admit, I missed it.

And apparently, as I smoked in people’s homes, shortly thereafter the paint would begin to peel from the walls, the carpet would disintegrate, goldfish would go belly-up, cats and dogs would lose their hair, and the electricity supply would become inconsistent with occasional sparks from electrical appliances. If I walked down the street smoking a cigarette, apparently plants would wither and the pavement crack, leaving a Moonscape in my wake. I really had no idea.

A thank-you to antismokers for pointing out my “selfishness” and the world according to antismokers.


Mark Wadsworth said...

I only dropped in for a bit of light pedantry to cheer myself up, but left having enjoyed the longest and most awesome comment JohnB has left for ages!