Tuesday 13 August 2013

Alcohol Next

Many readers will be familiar with the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies, the fruity campaign group that masquerades as a scientific research institution. State-funded with a bit of cash from Big Pharma thrown in, its staff includes "Red" Gerard Hastings, Anna "Dunce" Gilmore and "Lying" Linda Bauld. It advocates loony policies such as giving films that show smoking an 18 certificate—all because tobacco is a "unique product", of course.

Or maybe not so unique. UKCTCS has only been around for five years, but soon they will become UKCTCAS. They're taking the "next logical step", you see...

 Seamless, eh? Sleep tight, drinkers. No slippery slope here.


Fredrik Eich said...

I see they have dropped the word 'control'.
We assume that as non-drinkers are in a minority it would could scare far too many people.

Mark Wadsworth said...

well spotted.

Ivan D said...

No doubt we will continue to pay for these utterly dreadful people to do further damage to our society. The money could be better spent almost anywhere else.

Jonathan Bagley said...

Bad tactic on their part. Too many people drinking more than the recommended alcohol limits with no adverse effects. They will be put under more scrutiny.