Monday 11 December 2023

Prohibition 2.0 - the video

The video of the IEA's Prohibition 2.0 event is now available to watch. It was a really good discussion covering a lot of different aspects of Rishi Sunak's daft idea of gradually raising the smoking age. 

Mark Oates stepped in at the last minute and was typically erudite. 

Paul North from Volte-Face explained why prohibition doesn't work from the perspective of a drug reform activist and he had some interesting things to say about why so few people in drug reform have spoken out against this particular prohibition. 

And Craig Whittaker MP was a breath of fresh air, talking about how he was until recently a smoker before switching to heated tobacco (which will also be prohibited if the legislation goes ahead as planned).

If you weren't at the event, be sure to watch the video.

Meanwhile, the BBC continues to weep bitter tears over New Zealand turning its back on prohibition. In a ridiculously one-sided article published today, it takes a 'white saviour' approach to the Maoris - who smoke more than white New Zealanders - and pretends that they would have been the greatest beneficiaries of a ban. In fact, history shows that ethnic minorities suffer the most under prohibition.

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