Monday 20 July 2015

Why I no longer live in Brighton

From 12 July 2015...

Injecting in daylight: the plight of our parks

A man was photographed injecting drugs at a park where residents say it happens on a daily basis.

A concerned passer-by snapped a picture in Peace Park, off Dorset Gardens, of someone using a needle before 10am in the morning.

... Residents in the Brighton street said they were not surprised, as drug use is becoming more commonplace in an ongoing and longstanding problem in the city’s parks.

With needles found frequently in Peace Park, littering the bushes and undergrowth, the council acknowledge drug abuse was a “significant issue” for Brighton and Hove.

Three days later...

Potential smoking ban for Brighton and Hove beaches and parks

A smoking ban could be introduced on beaches and in parks across Brighton and Hove.

Plans have been drawn up to hold a consultation asking whether people support a move to extend smoke-free areas across the city.

The aim is to try to create an environment free from second hand smoke, which is particularly dangerous for children. 

Truly, the San Francisco of England. In the worst possible way.

As usual, the Daily Mash gets it right.

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