Monday 13 October 2014

Margaret Chan: fully occupied?

Margaret Chan: Fully occupied

Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the World Health Organisation, delivered a speech about the Ebola pandemic today.

Except she wasn't able to deliver it personally so an underling did it for her. He explained...

WHO Director-General’s speech to the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific
Dr Margaret Chan
Director-General of the World Health Organization
(delivered in her absence by Ian Smith, Executive Director of the Director-General's Office)

Keynote address to the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific, Sixty-fifth session Manila, Philippines 13 October 2014

Mr Chairman, Excellencies, honourable ministers, distinguished delegates, Dr Shin, ladies and gentlemen,

The Director-General sends you her best wishes for a productive session. She is fully occupied with coordinating the international response to what is unquestionably the most severe acute public health emergency in modern times.

I am delivering her messages to you, in the words she wanted to use.

"Fully occupied"?! She was in Moscow talking to anti-smoking zealots, praising the Russian government and blowing her own trumpet. Here she is...

This is the kind of thing that's been fully occupying her mind today...

Incidentally, her Ebola speech is quite a piece of work; full of self-justification and her usual political rhetoric about 'inequalities' and' profit-driven industry'. She doesn't sound particularly interested in Ebola and she certainly doesn't sound like she has a strategy. The terrible thought crosses my mind that when she talks about 'the most severe acute public health emergency in modern times' she wants people to think she means Ebola but she is actually thinking about tobacco. That way, in her own mind she wouldn't be telling a lie about her whereabouts.

Surely not, though. The entire media have assumed that it's a reference to Ebola. What do readers think: outright lie or mere deceit?


nisakiman said...

She is fully occupied with coordinating the international response to what is unquestionably the most severe acute public health emergency in modern times.

That is a deliberately ambivalent statement. She thinks she's being very clever.

Klaus K said...

Of course her sponsors would not be too unhappy to see the ebola epidemic spread further.

As always Big Pharma has the upper hand

Norbert Zillatron said...

Well, of course she has to set priorities.
How could a stupid virus be more importent than eliminating those miscreant vapers who dare to defy that carefully planned propaganda campaign to render smokers to despicable sub human pariahs.

JohnB said...

Conference of the Parties

You betcha. There are parties every night of the conference at this 5-star shindig. These [self] important people can sip on top-shelf cocktails, munch on specialty h'orderves, rub elbows with the “government-connected”, and maybe even make some international “friends with benefits”. What’s to complain about? And it’s all taxpayer funded. Jackpot! Let’s PARTY!

It’s a self-installed clique of unelected, bureaucrat petty dictators promoting stupid, dangerous, destructive ideas in a secretive environment. It’s groupthink for the megalomaniacal “partying” set. It’s 5 days of award-winning ego-massaging that’s been going on for decades. Shame on all those participating.

We’ll never hear Chen, the fire and brimstone-spitting neo-eugenicist, speak of Big Medicine. She’s the mouthpiece for Big Medicine.

For an insight into the damage that the medical establishment, better understood as the medical industrial complex with Big Pharma as the central pillar, produces – just in medical terms, let alone its social-engineering ventures – that doesn’t attract even a smidgeon of scrutiny:

The latest on iatrogenic effect:


Anonymous said...

The terrible thought crosses my mind that when she talks about 'the most severe acute public health emergency in modern times' she wants people to think she means Ebola but she is actually thinking about tobacco.

I'm sure that's exactly what she thinks.

These people are insane.