Thursday 3 May 2012

Two debates

Liberal Democrat MP Stephen Williams has agreed to defend his government's plan to ban branded tobacco packaging at the Faculty of Arts, Bristol on May 10th (next Thursday). I'll be joined by Simon Clark (FOREST). I'm not sure who will be partnering Mr Williams. There is a Facebook page here if you're into that kind of thing, but you don't need to RSVP and tickets are free.

The following week, I'll be debating the War on Drugs with Peter Hitchens at the Institute of Economic Affairs, London. I think the War on Drugs is a Bad Thing. Peter doesn't think we've ever fought it in the first place. Should be fun. RSVP here.


Xopher said...

All the best for both events.
You wrote "The war on ......"
The declaration of WAR by any group is less than desirable but when that WAR is declared by those funded by Government against the lives of its own countrymen it is at best counter productive and at worst a trigger for rebellion and civil war.
When it comes to war the Department of Health is quite expert and willingly spends £millions of public money while hiding behind its many bought and paid for friends.
What is more cherished by the people of any country - Their history, their society and all that they have created or an alien world imposed from above?

Anonymous said...

Will either of these be recorded or videotaped? If so, I hope you'll post links. Should be fascinating.

I read the transcript of your set-to with Sanford over at Frank's. It was about time someone exploded at her and her lot and did it to their faces. Well done.


Anonymous said...

I take it that you saw the demolition of John Mallon by the Irish Health Minister?

The 'discussion' was a perfect example of 'controlling the debate'. The Minister took the opportunity to emit propaganda and nothing but propaganda. John Mallon, expecting a civilised debate, was taken aback and destroyed.
Expect the same from Williams. BE PREPARED!!