They all have something in common. If they were made now, it would be against the law to show them before 9pm under the government's ridiculous childhood obesity strategy. Yes, even the ones for butter and orange juice. I dare say many of them breach some regulation or other as it is.
Nobody really knows how many kids were obese in the 1980s (nobody really knows how many are obese now), but the number was pretty small. Perhaps the government is - as John Stuart Mill might say - interfering wrongly and in the wrong place?
The classic Cadburys Milk Tray advert— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) October 11, 2018
"The man from Del Monte, he say YES!!"— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) June 19, 2018
"Way down deep in the middle of the jungle..."— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) October 10, 2018
You'll never put a better bit o’ butter on yer knife.— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) May 31, 2018
From 1985, Cadburys Wispas Smith & Jones advert— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) October 9, 2018
The original 1989 Milky Way - Red Car/Blue Car advert— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) October 9, 2018
Harry Enfield in the Dime Bar ad from 1992— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) October 7, 2018
Wot what that? Wot was Wotsit sir? 🤣— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) October 7, 2018
"Mr. Soooooft— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) June 8, 2018
Won't you tell me why the world in which your living is so strange
Oh, Mr. Soft
How come everything around is so soft and re-arranged?"
I always thought the 80s Coke-A-Cola adverts were really naff and cheesy.— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) May 25, 2018
— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) October 7, 2018
Toughest decision kids had to make..— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) October 6, 2018
🎶A finger of fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat🎶— Classic Ads (@CIassicAds) June 13, 2018