Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Good riddance to bad sockpuppets

Every time a parasitic killjoy pressure group loses its taxpayer funding an angel gets its wings, but this announcement was particularly special...

Two leading Canadian anti-tobacco groups to shut down after Ottawa fails to provide funding

The two award-winning Canadian non-profit groups that led the fight against smoking and tobacco products in Canada and around the world are preparing to close their doors after the money they expected to see in the most recent federal budget failed to materialize.

The Non-Smokers’ Rights Association (NSRA) and Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada (PSC) have been limping along on a combination of savings, provincial help, and the work of volunteers since their federal funding was cut by the former Conservative government in 2012.

How telling it is that the loss of state funding forces these sockpuppets to close down. They don't lay a few people off. They don't search for alternative funding. They are so dependent on the involuntary donations of taxpayers that they immediately close their doors. We saw the same thing happen with the Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia a few years ago.

...the NSRA is now down to a single staff member in Montreal, has closed its Ottawa office, and is in the process of closing the main office in Toronto. Its next campaigns would have been aimed at getting tobacco out of corner stores and creating rules around second-hand smoke in multi-unit housing.

Banning the sale of cigarettes in corner shops and prohibiting people from smoking in their own flats? You can see why these vile people struggle to raise donations from the general public. Good riddance to them.

But what makes this case of defunding extra special is the reallocation of the cash...

...the government says the $11-million that was committed to the strategy this year and the $16-million promised next year will be used to stop the influx of contraband tobacco...

How very symbolic! Years of fanatical anti-smoking activity has led to a booming black market in Canada, despite repeated assurances from tobacco control quacks who insist - absurdly - that high taxes and hyper-regulation do not incentivise illicit trade. How fitting that the filthy lucre earmarked for anti-smoking liars will instead be used to alleviate the damage their policies have done.

Meanwhile, in Britain...