Monday, 23 January 2017

Why toast when you can roast?

If you're in Britain you've probably read about the great roast potato scare today. I've written about it for Spectator Health.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has launched a campaign to warn Britons of the dangers of toasting and roasting their carbohydrates, based on the assumption that acrylamide in food causes cancer. This has led to mildly surreal headlines such as ‘Roast potatoes and toast that’s a bit too brown may cause cancer, say authorities’ (The Guardian). In fact, the FSA has gone out on a limb by speculating about a risk that may not exist.

Do read it all.

You can also listen to me talking about it on Talk Radio with Julia Hartley-Brewer.

And David Spieglhalter has written a good piece about the science here.