Wednesday 17 December 2014

A foot in the door

From the politicians who said this...

"The era of big, bossy, state interference, top-down lever pulling is coming to an end."

David Cameron, Prime Minister, 2008

"We’ll get rid of the unnecessary laws – and once they’re gone, they won’t come back."

Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, 2010

Comes this...

Smoking in cars carrying children set to become illegal in England next year

Anyone who is familiar with the pathology of these ghastly little fascists knows that this is not the end, nor is it even the beginning of the end. What the British Medical Association really wants is a ban on smoking in all cars regardless of whether children are present or not. We know this because they demanded exactly that in 2011 and they used their usual lies and quackery about secondhand smoke to back it up.

Cowardly little Gollums that they are, they retreated in the face of public opposition and came back with a temporary compromise, but you can be sure that they will return in short order demanding that (a) all smoking in cars be banned, and (b) vaping be banned as well. Their justification for this will be that a total ban will (a) make enforcement easier, and (b) create a 'level playing field'.

It is only a matter of time. Just watch.


As spotted by Nisakamin in the comments, ASH have wasted no time...



Christopher Snowdon said...

Totally agree with your analysis - I don't agree with smoking in cars when children are present but would be extremely grateful if someone could explain exactly why this government is so beholden to the public health authoritarians who just want to control behaviour, because this is what it's all about. And what is the point in promulgating laws that, unless police resources are diverted away from other arguably more important things, like maybe combating terrorism, are unenforceable. One only has to look at the persistent use of mobile phones when driving to see this. Nevertheless I can see a great market in 'Child not on board' stickers to hang in car windows for fear of otherwise being stopped by the smoke police, who, because of your tinted rear windows might think differently.

Christopher Snowdon said...

Because politicians have surrendered to the health terrorists, there is no proper representation from them anymore. Raw deal for tax payers.

Christopher Snowdon said...

I think you're being a little unfair on Gollum - he may have been a murderer and magic ring addict, but at least he had a good side.

'Wormtongues' would be a more apt (indeed perfect) alternative.

Christopher Snowdon said...

indeed. That's how I've been referring to them for some years now.

...but you can be sure that they will return in short order demanding that (a) all smoking in cars be banned...

In the Telegraph today:

The group's chief executive Deborah Arnott said: "We are delighted that the Government is to press ahead with regulations to prohibit smoking in
cars containing children.

"As with the smoke-free public places law, this is a popular measure that will largely be self-enforcing. However, secondhand smoke is just as harmful
to adults as children and it makes it more difficult to enforce if it only applies to some cars, not all. Seatbelt laws don't just apply to children,
why should smoke-free car laws?"

And there you have it. Wormtongue-in-chief Deborah Arnott preparing the ground.

Christopher Snowdon said...

Chris, does the UK have Youth Possession Laws? In Canada it is only illegal to sell or give a child tobacco but it is very legal for them to use it. So you can't smoke in that vehicle with a child but there is nothing stopping that child from lighting up one.......?

Christopher Snowdon said...

No, we don't. It's the same as in Canada.

Christopher Snowdon said...

"As the police officer was writing the ticket, the 15-year-old passenger – the reason the car was stopped – hopped out of the car and lit her own cigarette. Legally."

And the officer could do nothing about it.

Christopher Snowdon said...

Related question. Will it be illegal for a 17 year old driving alone, to smoke? If so, will the police be stopping cars to check whether the lone smoking occupier is over 18? Will it be ok for an 18 year passenger to smoke if a 17 year old is driving?

Christopher Snowdon said...

It will never be enforced.