Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Think of the (very small) children!

What age-group do you think of when someone says the word 'children'? 16 years or younger? Under-18 perhaps?

And what about 'young children'? Ten year olds? Eight year olds? Maybe younger?

So what about 'very young children'? That would have to be toddlers and pre-school children, right? Six or seven at the most.

So what can we make of Diane Abbott saying this?

"It is wrong that very young children can get out of their skulls for less money than it takes to buy a bottle of Coca-Cola."

Leaving aside the fact that a bottle of Coke costs 70p, which is far too little for anyone to get 'out of their skulls' on, Abbott's twist on the old 'think of the children' canard means one of the following:

a) she have a unique definition of what a 'very young child' is

b) she honestly believes that very young children are getting 'out of their skulls' on alcohol for 70p

c) she is one of the stupidest people to ever become an MP in British history

d) she is deliberately using misleading language to scare people into supporting minimum pricing

It could very easily be a combination of (c) and (d). Incredibly (or not), this serial incompetent and self-confessed hypocrite in on Labour's shadow cabinet. Still more incredibly, she is the spokesperson for health, which should be interesting when she has to tackle obesity (something she has clearly never attempted before).

Still, it gives me an excuse to show this again: