Thursday, 22 April 2010

War on the working class

This looks rather good...

This provocative Democracy Institute General Election report takes the Government and Opposition parties to task for their growing attacks on working class habits and lifestyles. The authors demonstrate the junk science behind the attacks and reveal the political elite’s real agenda – to denormalise ordinary tastes and preferences so normal behaviour becomes seen as aberrant behaviour. In challenging this elitist agenda, the authors defend the working man's (and woman's) fondness for a bet, a Big Mac, a drink, a smoke, and a tan.

Chair – Mark Littlewood, IEA 
Authors – Dr Patrick Basham & Dr John Luik 
5.45pm –7.30pm 
Thursday 29 April 2010 
Institute of Economic Affairs 
2 Lord North St 
(Door on Great Peter St) 
Westminster SW1P 3LB  

I'll be there. Details here.