The International Conference Against Prohibition (TICAP) will be holding its second annual event in The Hague, Netherlands on Monday 15th March 2010. The line-up is superb and it promises to be a very interesting day and, I dare say, an entertaining evening the night before.
Guest speakers include former 'Winston Man' David Goerlitz, who spoke out against the tobacco control movement last year (listen here) and Brian Monteith, whose book The Bully State I reviewed recently.
Other speakers include Dr Patrick Basham of the Democracy Institute, whose work was also mentioned on this blog recently, as well as Dr Rein Vos - an expert on the ethics of health - and Dr Michael Marlow, who has recently written an article tilted Do Anti-Smoking Programs Work to Reduce Smoking?
Last but not least, Dr Kamal Chaouachi, the world's leading expert on the chemistry of hookah smoking, will be speaking.
Yours truly will be chairing the discussion and it would great to see some readers of this blog there. Further details are available here.