Tuesday 6 December 2016

Merry Christmas from the temperance lobby

It's that time of the year when the miserable killjoys of the taxpayer-funded 'public health' racket start counting down the days until Dry January. In the meantime they have to tolerate people eating, drinking and enjoying themselves over Christmas and New Year.

It's a difficult few weeks for them but they keep their spirits up by watching gruesome drink driving adverts and saying stuff like this...

Health experts have said that the office Christmas party should be scrapped in favour of no-booze leisure treats for staff.

Research carried out by charity Alcohol Focus Scotland believe staff get-togethers over the festive period can be both dangerous and embarrassing, and have had support from Alcohol Concern and British Liver Trust.

They found that as many as 200,000 people per day show up to work nursing a hangover and can take the entire morning to recover after a staff party. Alcohol Focus Scotland also highlighted that many drivers could be dangerous to other road users during the commute to work. 

Ebeneezer Scrooge, eat your heart out. These people are a parody of lemon-sucking puritans.

Alison Douglas, chief executive of AFS, instead believes that staff members should take trips to places such as the theatre, panto or bowling alley.

She said: “The impact of alcohol in the workplace can range from sickness absence, hangovers, accidents and injuries and lost productivity. “Many workplaces decide to do different things to the traditional Christmas night out, choosing to go bowling or to a panto or Christmas show, so drinking is not the focus.” 

Imagine being Alison Douglas. Just imagine it. Can we stop funding her vile organisation please?

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