Friday 20 February 2015

Controlling the food supply

Following on from yesterday's post about The Lancet's obesity plan, here it is in infographic form. Click to enlarge.

This is Government with a very big G. It is state control of what can be made, what it looks like, how it is sold, where it is sold and what it is sold for. The only thing the government doesn't do is make and sell the food itself (except in schools).

It is no wonder that the 'public health' model of top-down control of people and industry tends to be more popular with parties of the left than those of the right, but it is surprising that so few people on the centre-right fully recognise the 'public health' movement as the socialist enterprise that it is. After all, it is not as The Lancet tries to hide its political views.


  1. It is not a socialist enterprise. It is an authoritarian enterprise. Whether you like it or not, there are as many right wing authgoritarians as there are Stalinists. Think Thatcher.

  2. I can't agree. If you look at how 'public health' came about, the number of disaffected socialists and deep greens is very striking. The Lancet is quite shameless about it and left-wing jargon is the norm throughout the public health industry. Of course there are plenty of right-wing health fascists (Sarah Wollaston for example), but they are very rare in the upper echelons of the public health racket.

  3. Left, right or authoritarian, it's fascism by any other name. I see the divide now being more about authoritarian v libertarian than traditional left or right politics.

  4. Turnips comrades, turnips for everyone !

  5. Hilarious use of the word 'support' to mean 'impose'.
    I guess the ideal end state would be a 'Matrix' style existence where we are fed nutritionally perfect gloop through a tube while permanently sedated.

  6. I like all those blank-faced “individuals” herded together in the middle circle there. Just about sums the whole thing up.


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