Saturday 4 October 2014

Soda taxes on the BBC World service

I was on the World Service this week debating soda taxes with a bloke from the Center for Science in the Public Interest. My section starts at 8 minutes in if you'd care to listen here.

You might also be interested in the report published by France's Institut économique Molinari yesterday on the same subject (it's in English here).


  1. The people who argue for totalitarian (one size fits all) solutions become less and less convincing all the time.

  2. What's with the comments, Chris? Do you have a gremlin invasion?

  3. Odd. Several of the posts by Anonymous are straight quotes from my Bolton Smokers Club site. Not by me, I hasten to add!

  4. There's a nutter who occasionally cut and pastes comments and puts them on here. I've reverted the comments policy to stop anonymous comments.


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