Monday 4 November 2013

The 'next logical step' for minimum pricing

Well now, this is interesting. There is still a very long way to go before the Scottish government can introduce minimum pricing for alcohol, but MSPs - indeed, 'Liberal' MSPs - are already switching their attention to "the next logical step".

Question S4W-18008: Jim Hume, South Scotland, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 30/10/2013

To ask the Scottish Government what discussions the (a) Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing and (b) Minister for Public Health has had with other cabinet secretaries and ministers regarding price controls in order to protect public health.

Current Status: Expected Answer date 13/11/2013

Question S4W-18007: Jim Hume, South Scotland, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 30/10/2013

To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with (a) the food and drink sector, (b) health organisations and (c) other stakeholders regarding price controls in order to protect public health.

Current Status: Expected Answer date 13/11/2013

Question S4W-18006: Jim Hume, South Scotland, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 30/10/2013

To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with other governments that have introduced price controls for (a) alcohol and (b) other products in order to protect public health.

Current Status: Expected Answer date 13/11/2013

Question S4W-18005: Jim Hume, South Scotland, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date Lodged: 30/10/2013

To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the introduction of minimum unit pricing of alcohol, what its position is on introducing other price controls in order to protect public health.

Current Status: Expected Answer date 13/11/2013

Price controls have a woeful track record, but at least the old socialists were trying to keep prices down. Our current mob won't be happy until we're priced out of everything except water and rye bread.


  1. There is little that is liberal about Scottish Liberal Democrats. They are socialists competing with the vaguely socialist Labour party and the hard core socialist SNP for the votes of people who seem to like paternalism in large dollops. Perhaps the Scottish Liberal Democrats are doing their job and reflecting the will of voters who, based on their track record, seem to like government micro-management of their lives and actually want to be protected from themselves? If that is the case then we should recognize that the Scottish Liberal Democrats are doing a fine job. I do hope that they have bothered to canvass the electorate and that they really do have a mandate to meddle.

  2. I would, IF I betted, take a bet on the fact that none of these idiots even sais anything about this minimum pricing, in their manifestoes.

    Or did they, and the Scottish people were just to thick to be able, or be bothered to read it?

  3. Ah, the old bothy stills will be up and running again in no time.

    Let them make their rules. Nobody cares.


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