Wednesday 12 December 2012


Quite incredibly, from the pen of Stanton Glantz...

I normally do not comment on Mike Siegel's blog because he has long since lost all credibility with me as a scientist.


That would be the same Stanton Glantz who said only a few days ago...

"About 44% of all adolescents smoking in the U.S. today are estimated to have been recruited by smoking in movies."

Fortunately the innumerate mechanical engineer of Ban Francisco who has spent the last thirty years pretending to be a doctor has never had any credibility to lose.


  1. The glorified mechanic: “I normally do not comment on Mike Siegel's blog because he has long since lost all credibility with me as a scientist.”

    Yep. Does not compute…. head hurty. On reading that, had to go through the usual checklist…….. how much alcohol did I consume last night, has my coffee been spiked today, candid camera, ahh…. is it April Fool’s Day?

    No; checklist cleared. Maybe Stantonitis’ numerous skills [giggle] also happen to include a world class comedic flair. There we go…… the glorified mechanic is also a joker. It would also go far in explaining many of his “studies”.

  2. "...from the pen of Stanton Glantz..."

    'Pen' Chris? Are you sure you didn't mean 'purple crayon'?


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