Thursday 17 February 2011

Irony bypass

On Monday, Spiked republished Joe Jackson's 'dog ban' spoof (mentioned in a previous post). The letters have started coming in from dog-lovers who take things literally...

Jackson’s rant about dogs is clearly the ramblings of a deranged weirdo. With any luck he’ll be trapped in a kennels soon and do us all a favour. I have never read so much drivel in my life.

Andy Gardiner, UK

‘Have you ever seen a leg amputated because of gangrene? It’s not funny.’ Funnily enough, I haven’t, but also in my neck of the hemisphere I’ve never heard about anyone getting gangrene from a dog bite. For that to happen there would need to be other exigent causal factors, which we couldn’t really blame on poor, dim-witted canines. I guess Jackson had something to get off his chest, but he’s either got his tongue in his cheek or he’s stretching the bounds (or is that hounds?) of rationality.

Andrew Cox, UK


  1. And before you start, yes, I have considered that these letters might be spoofs as well, but after much thought I've decided that they're not. Mainly because of the conspicuous lack of anything resembling a joke. So there.

  2. Chris,

    Fell off my fucking chair laughing at the Jean Luc reaction pic!

  3. I think Andrew Cox may be joking, but I wouldn't bet on it.

  4. And some fell on stony ground...

  5. Stoney ground is it.

    The fully anti-smoking indoctrinated have no sense of humour, never have. No wonder the world's spun itself upside down at this point.


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