Sunday 6 June 2010

Now hear this!

If you haven't already had the pleasure, there are two podcasts that are well worth listening to. 

The first is Dave Goerlitz (former Winston Man and long-time anti-smoking spokesman) talking to Robert Prasker. This two part conversation covers a lot of ground, including many issues that I didn't cover in my interview with Dave last year. 

The other is a very informative podcast between Professor Michael Marlow and Lawrence H. White for Econ Journal Watch, which looks at the economics of smoking bans. In particular he tells us how, as an economist, he was drawn into the area of looking at costs and benefits of smoking bans only to be told: "We already know all the answers. Everybody gains." Michael explains the fundamental reasons why this 'everybody gains' assumption defies the basic laws of economics.

Goerlitz/Prasker part one and part two

1 comment:

  1. Thanks very much for the mention, Chris, and for listening to my Round Table interview with Dave.

    I've just posted my latest Round Table with Nick Hogan. I know that you and readers of your blog are likely interested to hear what Nick has to say in his own voice, so I hope you don't mind if I take the opportunity to link it.

    It's about 16 minutes-- very brief.

    Keep up the great work.

    -WS (Robert)


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