Monday 17 May 2010

Bored on a Sunday night

God help me, I've only gone and joined Twitter. My address is @cjsnowdon for what it's worth. Twitter, as Karl Marx might have said, is for fools who haven't said enough. And speaking of Marx, I've also gone and taken the Political Compass test and seem to have become more left-wing since I last took it. 

All the reading I had to do for my latest book must have affected me. The Spirit Level Delusion website is now fully operational, by the way, and the book's out tomorrow.

Normal blogging will be resumed then. Sweet dreams.


  1. I haven't joined Twitter yet. But my political compass reading came out very like yours. I was right next to the Dalai Lama. Not sure if that's a good thing.

  2. Your being followed by F2C Chris, welcome to the twatters club.

  3. I'm following you now (blademansw) :-)


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