Tuesday 13 April 2010

Socialist propaganda

Via Counting Cats, I've just seen the cover of the Labour manifesto. It's a bit retro, isn't it?


  1. Oh well.
    I suppose that was the barbecue summer the global warming office promised us last year then ?

  2. Hehe, you mischief maker. It did ring a retro commie bell when I saw it but I wasn't looking far enough east for the reminiscent posters.

    Nice one.

  3. Looks like a another lovely sun risen day over Oceania, is what it reminds me of, illustrations for the novel "1984" which has basically been adapted for the LibLabCon manifesto documents with the majority taking no notice of the facts, not wanting to be accused of engaging in though-crime of course. Some of the US propaganda illustrations coming out under Obama's reign appears similar but more cleverly disguised as the agenda's not progressed as far there - yet. Give them another 2 years and they'll catch up to speed. It's this worldwide thing of course.

  4. Looks to me like a nuclear explosion.


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